Maranello and its museum

edited by di ICARO Progetti x l’Arte

Elisabetta Barbolini Ferrari e Augusto Bulgarelli

Consultancy and assistance to the work Daniele Buzzonetti

  • 320 pages
  • 26×30 cm
  • hardcover
  • Text: Italian/English


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This book intends to highlight the merits of Ferrari and the Municipality of Maranello for the initial impetus, recounting the sequence of events that have brought the Museum to its current success.

The visit initially winds through the images of the great Ferraris that have been exhibited and those still present in the halls, symbols of a passion that is unique in the world and a tribute to the great manufacturer.

Then it expands to the current reality of Ferrari, to its continuous changes, to new initiatives that make it an absolutely unique company in the world.