La Scuola dei Carracci

I seguaci di Annibale e Agostino

Edited by Emilio Negro and Massimo Pirondini

  • 336 pages
  • 410 colour and b/w images 
  • Size 26X30 cm
  • Hardcover with dust jacket

Original price was: €129.00.Current price is: €80.00.

ISBN: 88-7792-042-4 Category:


Following the same structure as in Volume 1, this book deals with the career of the group of apprentices of Annibale and Agostino Carracci. It is known how the Carracci’s style boosted the evolution of Italian Baroque painting. Many artists indebted to them and, many years after the three Bolognese artists died, brought back to life their artistic and stylist features. However, the purpose of this book is to deal with those artists who were sincerely close to Annibale’s art during the 17th century, since they were his direct followers or borrowed his artistic features.