Caravaggio and the Caravaggeschi in Emilia

Emilio Negro and Nicosetta Roio
Editorial coordination Salvatore Canato
With a text by Paolo Naidu Pagliao

  • 272 pages
  • 198 ill. In color and b/w
  • 23 x 31 cm
  • Hardcover with cover

Original price was: €65.00.Current price is: €50.00.

ISBN: 978-88-7792-136-9 Category: Tag:


The presentation in this volume of an unprecedented proposal attributed to Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, an extraordinary portrait of S. Giacomo Minor, was the cue to advance some unprecedented interpretations around some masterpieces of the great Lombard master com The winner Love or the lute players and to retrace the events of Emilian painting to him contemporary.
If in Emilian territory the modern painting of Merisi was certainly not among the most appreciated and understood, it was still possible to find an undeniable interest in the novelties introduced by him in art, even in the cultural environment dominated by the three diabolical cousins Carracci.

Additional information

Dimensions 23 × 31 cm